Avocet Data 应用

Draft Survey for Large Ships Tankers
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:Aboard tankers , it is a frequent practice of Ships Officers totake draft surveys many times a day. Since you are loading at afast rate which sometimes exceeds 250Tons/Hrs , Draft changesconsiderably at every end of watch, And it is not possible torecord all the six draft marks at all times. Sometimes we have tobe contented with just the drafts on the port side or the Starboardside.Avocet has designed this App with the above in mind. If you takethe draft on one side then you can fairly estimate the draft on theother by matching the List angle with the Inclinometer.Avocet Draft Calculation is a mobile load and stabilityindicating App which hasUser Friendly Graphic .Various Report presentation Draft , Cargo and CalculationResults.Inbuilt Help.Create and store conditionsTank filling using global tools.Visual Display of Trim and Heel as you type in the Draft.Easy exchange of Data .Emailing of Data report.Draft Trim CARGO etc computation on the fly in real time.Displacement and weight Calculationsand many moreThe optimum condition would be to take all the six draft , get thedock density , determining the deductibles and then usinghydrostatic table to get the weight of the cargo loaded.Import of Hydrostatic Tables and Tank Plan has been made mucheasier . You just create a CSV file in the style explained usingExcel or Notepad on Mac or Windows and import it directly. Nointernet connection is required.Or you can send the hydrostatic tables and Tank Plan in any form toworkshop@avocetdata.com and weshall create the file and send it to you.This is detailed in detailed in the user manual available atwww.avocetdata.com/draftsurvey/usermanual.pdfPlease visit www.avocetdata.com for more information about Avocetand its Marine Soft Products
Draft Survey Pro v15.3
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:Draft Survey is a way to determine the weight of cargo being loadedon a vessel. Ship Surveyor App calculates the draft survey andproduces a draft survey report.This app requires internet if emailing report or downloadingpre-configured ship.THIS VERSION USES BOTH METRIC / IMPERIALYou can import your hydrostatic directly using Excel CSVformat.Just slip in the SD Card , USB with the CSV and tap Import while onHydrostatic Screen.You can configure the ship easily on http://draft.avocetdata.net using your excelworksheet.Or you can email your Hydrostatic data in Excel format, CSV formator Text format to avocetdata@gmail.com.Please allows 3 hours before attempting to download. Please usecorrect Shipname and Callsign.This service is provided FREE.This Draft Survey procedure and calculation ascertained is basedon the following.:Reading the draft mark of the ship, which consists of six (6)points of draft marks, i.e.; Ford, Midship, and Aft at both sidesof the ship,sampling of the sea water or dock water density at theplace where the vessel floats,determining of deductible weights bymeasuring and sounding of ballast tanks, fuel oil, fresh water thatexists onboard at the time of survey,and finally using HydrostaticTable provided on board to calculate..This app allows you to have multiple ships , email report and printreport using any print app which can print email.Pro Version has the following added features against itspredecessor .1- Email to multiple email addresses.2- Instant Cargo Notes3- Default Ship Selection4-Ad Hoc Calculation. You do not need a HydroStatic Table.5-Easy to use interfaceFor file importingFile Name must contain the full path.Example/mnt/sdcard/sdcard1/myfile.csv (try using a file name with nospaces)You must check if external (I mean the one which can be freelyremoved from the device without removing thebattery) SD card is inserted on the deviceFor instance, Samsung's Galaxy family devices state the external SDdrive to be mounted on/mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Anyway, before trying to get actual external path you shouldconsult to the device manufacturer, for what mount path you shouldbe looking for. And still, even when you know external path, youcan be frustrated trying to look that folder directly.Consider we have a Galasy S which has external SD card path asof "/mnt/sdcard/external_sd". The most obvious way to check it isto use File Manager App.
Voyage Calculation VoyCal
Avocet Data
A vessel doing 14 Knots and consuming 15 tonsof Fuel will take three days to cover 1000 Miles consuming aboutUSD 20000 of Fuel.VOYCAL Ver 11.9.7 is slightly more than that. Measuring just over10k this app has enough power to compete with the available desktop commercial versions.If you wish to save calculation for retrieval , please use theVoyage Estimation Version.This version is the scaled down version of the Avocet's CharterCalculation Desk Top Application .WIth over 9000 port names and over 8 millions distance calculation, it cover most of the cross ocean passages. If the distance is notknown or seems to be incorrect , you can always overwrite thedistance with your own table.It can save your voyage result locally , so you do not have to relyon the Internet for retrieval.Although it lacks all the features of its desk top Version , wehave tried to capture maximum information which can be fitted intothe viewport of a mobile phone.In this AppYou can Model different cargo and vessel.Thus the same cargo parcel can be tried using different ship.Apply differing scenarios and view outcomeInstant estimates with multiple estimate stacking facility for easyevaluation/comparisonConfigurable bunker priceBallast bonus cost and address commissionFor voyage estimation it is absolute essential to have enoughknowledge about the maritime geography with particular regards todistances and loadlines. The built in distances provides you withfairly accurate idea of the major world distances from which youcan usually calculate cross voyages.A shipping industry standard used to calculate the average dailyrevenue performance of a vessel. Time charter equivalent iscalculated by taking voyage revenues, subtracting voyage expenseand then dividing the entire total by the round-trip voyageduration in days.TCE which is a tool to measure period-to-period changes isdynamically displayed at each alternation..TCE /cBase is conveniently located and the results arehighlighted.This App is optimized for Retina Display and work well in mobilephones and Tablet alikeThe Pro version will soon have the ability to transfer data toand from Excel.
Tanker Stability And Trim Tankers
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:Welcome to the First Ever Visual Mobile App which will meet theneeds of Master and Mates when calculation cargo and trim aboardTankers.(Complete details including Video can be found onwww.avocetdata.com/stabtrim)This is not a replacement for the On Board Loadicator and it isstrongly suggested to calibrate the outcome of this app with theactual Loadicator on board.If you need to have an Class Approved Loadicator for your shipplease contact Avocet through their website atwww.avocetdata.com.Another good place to configure this App is to use the MasterDevice Book which is designed by the ship yard for use by Shipofficers.Internet Connection is required for Email and for downloadingconfiguration file.The program does not needs Internet connection to perform.You can configure your ship by answering simple questions like ,how many tanks you have you have and the engine room is situatedafter which tank. The program will then construct the ship foryou.You can then configure the ship. For hydrostatic table you cancreate an excel CSV and then download it into the program.Just provide the full path to the file.Please contact Avocet for any queries on their websitewww.avocetdata.comThe App features are detailed on the website.
Voyage Calculation Pro 12.7
Avocet Data
With 8000 ports and over 8 millionsdistancecalculation , this will assist any shipowner to get a fairestimateof any voyage.It is fairly evident , even to those who are not engaged indayto day chartering , that the problem on a voyage charter canstartvery early in the life of a contract. Whilst some vessels arefixedwhen they are in a spot position , this is comparativelyunusualand most vessels are chartered when they are some distancefrom theloading port.Having this app is handy and ready at all time. With the builtindistances , all it takes is few minutes to arrive atanestimate.You can use the same cargo parcel for different shipusingdifferent fuel condition. All estimations can be save for alatercomparison.Please view the video for a detailed explanation.In this version you can retrieve saved information and alsoemailthem to another person.There is no limit to the number of estimates saved.
TestMe On Science 6.03.611
Avocet Data
Test your skills in Physics, Chemistry,Mathsand Biology.Test Me is a form of self-assessment in which youarerequired to pickup the correct answer from a list ofplausibleanswers.This app is for your personal interest and should not be usedforany actual testing purposes. Care has been taken to ensure thatthequestions and answers are correct and fully editedHere you will find multiple choice quizzes availablebysubjects.This App has 30 random questions which are to beansweredin 60 minutes.The Extended Version has variable questions with varying timelimitand you can save your results.In both versions you will have different sets of question ineachsession from a carefully constructed bank of 35000 questionsforChemistry, Biology, Maths and Physics. The question bankisincreasing everyday.Since the questions are Cloud based , our experts will continuetoadd new questions and you will have the benefit to avail thebestof all questions without upgrading your app.Question Bank for suitable for MCAT, XAT, IIFT, CMAT,NMAT,SNAP,GMAT, CAT ,UPSC MBA etc.Please visit http://www.testmyfunda.com for details.
OSV Stability And Trim 3.6
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:Welcome to OSV StabilityOSV Stability is a Stability and Trim App. Since all OSVsaredifferent, this App allows you to configure your ship based ontheinformation from the Stability Booklet and the Ships GAPlan.Basically you will need the Hydrostatics Data, Cross CurvesofStabiility, Tank Plan and optionally The Bending Moments andShearForce Data. The latter being complex is left out from the App.Ifyou need BM SF , you can send the data to Avocet who willconvertthe information in the form accepted by the App.(For Feet use Imperial)Please visit www.avocetdata.con for details on this app.Orcontactus at avocetdata@gmail.com for any assistance for DataConversionand general information . guarantee satisfaction.Detailed information of how to construct your ship isalsoprovided on the Internet. But first using the sample datayoubrowse all the pages to get familiarized with the App.ConfigurationsThis section of the help is for the configurations.There are 3 configurations/setups before you can use this Appforyour Ship.Configuring your Ship. This will create a General ArrangementPlanof your shipThe Hydrostatic Tables. This has to be created before hand usingMSExcel or any Text Editor.The Tank Plan . This file also has to be pre created using ExcelinCSV format.Setting up your Hydrostatic TablesUsing Excel first create a csv file.Create the file with these column NamesDraft,Displ,TPC,MCTC,LCF,LCB,KMT,KML,VCBDraft,Displ,TPC,MCTC,LCF,LCB,KMT,KML,VCB,KN0,KN10,KN20,KN30,KN40,KN50,KN60,KN70,KN80,KN90In order to incorporate these values , you need to movethistable to your document folder.Setting up your tankFrom the main menu, click "Stability"Once you are on the main loading section, on the top,click"Tanks"From the top row of menus, select "Import"Once you have the file copied onto your document folder, clickon"Import." The app will take a few seconds to convert the dataand itwill switch back to the tank screen automatically.Using this app to load cargoThis app shows you real time information as cargo is loaded onoroff a ship.Bending moment and Shear ForceOptionally this app provides you with bending moment andshearforce. Since this cannot be generalized, you can send yourdata toAvocet and we can see if those data can be incorporated inyourapp.Loading the cargo:Before you load the cargo, it is imperative that you put thecorrectdock density. You can do this by changing the value of thedensityon the third window on the bottom. Optionally, you canchange thevoyage number which is just below the density and theport. Thisinformation will be important in later retrieval.On the bottom left of your load screen you have dynamicallycreatedforward after and mean draft. You also have the liquid GM.On thebottom right of your screen, you have an inclinometer. Nextto it,you have a trim indicator which shows you a pictorial trim oftheship.Loading the cargoTo load the cargo, you must bring the app on the loading mode.Tapthe crane once so that the crane starts moving. As long asthecrane is moving, you can load the cargo. Choose the color whichisfor the port rotation or it can be user defined. Then selecttheshape. The box is a rectangular shape and the drum is aroundshape. This is only for aesthetics. The pen will tell youthethickness of the ship and the color strength determinesthetransparency. This option is provided because sometimes youloadcargo on top of another cargo so this see through featurewillallow you to see the cargo below it.Retrieving your cargo:Click records and you will have all your saved reports. If youwantto see the report, just select the report and click thereportbutton on top. This report can be emailed then printed. Ifyou havean air-compatible printer, the system will print instead ofsendingan email. If you do not have an air printer, then thisreport canbe emailed.
Ship Stability and Trim Release
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:Welcome to the First Ever Visual Mobile App which will meet theneeds of Master and Mates when calculation cargo and trim.This is not a replacement for the On Board Loadicator and it isstrongly suggested to calibrate the outcome of this app with theactual Loadicator on board.If you need to have an Class Approved Loadicator for your shipplease contact Avocet.Another good place to configure this App is to use the MasterDevice Book which is designed by the ship yard for use by Shipofficers.Internet Connection is required for Email and for downloadingconfiguration file.The program does not needs Internet connection to perform.You can configure your ship by answering simple questions like ,how many hatches you have and the engine room is situated afterwhich hold. The program will then construct the ship for you.You can then configure the ship. For hydrostatic table you cancreate an excel CSV and then download it into the program.Just provide the full path to the file.Please contact Avocet for any queries.
Offshore Supply Ship Stability 7.12
Avocet Data
Satisfaction Guaranteed:A video has been provided which give visual information aboutthisapp.App optimized for tablets ,but work well on mobile phonealso.For mobile phone use of stylus is highly recommended.For external data , copy the data into the Document folderusingyour File Manager.Avocet App for OSV is a easy-to-use and dynamic graphicaluserinterface which calculates the stability and trim for anOSV.The OSV provided here is a 5218ts displacements 86 meters longand22 meters wide vessel .The tanks and the vessel deck layoutisprovided.You can recreate your own vessel by the configuration menu.The GZ is calculated using the Simpson RulesThe App provides you with the Weight Distribution curve. Youmustsupply the Buoyancy Curve Data and the LightShip WeightDistributionas well as the length of all tanks in the tanksection.This App is highly configurable. Please contact Avocetthroughtheir website to get all the help you can get in order tohave amini loadicator on your finger tipsThe app has been provided with a Built In Help Section.
Test Me On Physics 1.7
Avocet Data
MCQT is a form of self-assessment in whichyouare required to pickup the best answer from a list ofplausibleanswers. This multiple choice is used in education testingandmarket research.Here you will find multiple choice quizzes available bysubjects.Each quiz has between 10 -100 questions. Once finished,the quizzeswill grade themselves.There are two versions of MCQT. Light and Extended .Light version does not requires any internet connection and hasover300 sets of question from a single subject, question bankisdifferent in each version. The extended versions requiresaninternet connection and comprises of over 29,000 questionsforChemistry, Mathematics,Physics, Biology . This question bankisincreasing.Additional Features- No Internet Connection required for Light Series.-Multiple Mode (Extended)-Negative Markings (Extended)-Set Question Tiiming from 5m-1.5 Hours-Sound option (Extended)-Question Generation (Random , Sequential)-Top Scores-Review of all questions with your answers.
Namaz Salat System 2.1
Avocet Data
Namaz Time Calculator which automatically uses your currentposition and time
Ships Container Bayplan BAP3.02
Avocet Data
BAPLIE to Bayplan EDI solution for a Container ship
Stability Trim v19.5.5
Avocet Data
Bulk Carrier, Stability, Trim , Draft Survey , GM , Ship, maritime,nautical,
Avocet Stability And Trim Demo
Avocet Data
For ship masters and mates a Mobile Visual Loadicator to get thetrim and GM.
Ship Surveyor - Draft Survey 7.4.3
Avocet Data
An absolute tool for Ship Captain ,Surveyors , Chief Officer andSuperintendent
Namaz And Ramzan 2
Avocet Data
This app uses your current position and calculates the Namaz Times
ShipComm 3.9.1
Avocet Data
Get any active ships phone number , position and the voyageinformation.
Test my Chemistry 1.1.1
Avocet Data
Prepare for the boards with challenging multiple choice questionsonChemistry.
Namaz Salat wa Ramadan 3.1
Avocet Data
Namaz, Prayer, Ramadan, Ramzan, Calendar, Ramadan Calendar,ISNA,Salat , prayer